The killer in Germany is the mass amounts of carbonated drinks. When you go to a restaurant and ask for water, they give you mineralwasser (carbonated water). Even the juices are carbonated. I don’t really understand why, and I find it very unsettling for my stomach. I think most Europeans generally buy bottled drinks. I find this really bizarre because plastic bottled drinks are not only made from cancerous plastics (particularly when heated 1 or 2C, even by sunlight), are massively damaging to the environment from both waste and production (even the recycling process causes environmental degradation), and generally the drinks are carbonated which is unhealthy for you anyway, and then some of the drinks are sugarfree (did anyone say cancer-causing phenylalanine?) or they have extreme amounts of sugar (and no wonder obesity, ADD/ADHD and diabetes is on the rise). Plus, with beautiful, clean, clear, pure tap water like that in Norway, you can refill a glass or polycarbonate (i.e. SAFE) bottle for 5.5years at the same price as one 600mL bottle of dangerous, nasty stuff. Hrmm, all this talk of drinks makes me want some Apfelschorle :-P
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