Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Years Resolutions

So here comes the time of year where you not only reflect on all you have achieved but you start preparing your goals for the New Year ahead. I just completed my eastern-horoscope 7-year cycle of change. This year is going to be a grounding year for me and I hope that by 11/11/11 (my birthday) I feel like I’m no longer transitioning, but I am on a very solid path. So what am I going to do to achieve this groundedness?
  1. Get healthy. Too long I’ve been dreaming about running 10km or swimming 2km with ease, looking–I mean–feeling HOT in a bikini, enjoying the benefits of eating a Raw Food lifestyle; not ingesting chemicals into my body every day be it through cosmetics, food or drinks. Enjoying being natural & connected to nature. All round physical and mental health
  2. Give more love. I absolutely love my family and friends and boyfriend, but sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in one’s ‘self’ and think that whatever you’re doing, feeling or thinking is more important than giving love to those whom you… well, love! That includes myself. Self-love is the most important, but giving love creates peace, harmony and brings in more love!
  3.  Get that Job/Masters. By the end of the year I want to be in a job or Masters that fulfils me long-term (both personally and professionally) and that I will be committed to for a while. Certainty, stability and advancement in my career is my goal. It’s not just about getting experience any more; it’s about using my experience and abilities to succeed. This is the year for that to be put in place.
My New Years Resolution(s) came in three because life is holistic and this is the year I truly feel things are going to start falling into place for me in all aspects of my life. What are your New Years resolutions?

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